Choose Contact Us from the bottom of the page and choose Email Us. Email: You can also contact the Paypal customer service department by email, but you will need to login to your account to access the contact form.The phone number is 1-88, but you will need to one-time passcode to contact the customer service department. Click Call Us and you will be taken to a contact page. If you need to reach the customer service department, log in to your account and click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. Phone Number: No phone number is listed for the headquarters.Paypal Headquarters 12312 Port Grace Blvd. The second is the worldwide operations office. The first office is the official corporate website. Address: There are two offices for Paypal headquarters in the United States.Request your email be forwarded to the corporate office. You can use the contact form after logging in to your account to contact the customer service department. We did find the phone number for Paypal headquarters on a third-party website. You can contact Paypal headquarters by mail, but no phone number or email contact is listed on the corporate side of the website for Paypal headquarters. With more than 148 million users and nine million payments processed daily in more than 200 currencies, Paypal is one of the leading payment processors in the world. The company was founded in 1998 and currently operates two offices in the United States – California and Nebraska.

The website is owned by the eBay Corporation. Paypal is a money website offering consumers the ability to take online payments for products and services rendered.